Ngā Reo Mokopuna

Voices of Mokopuna

Mokopuna can only live their best lives when they have a genuine say about things that affect them. All mokopuna in Aotearoa have the right to a voice in issues that matter. It is up to everyone, including leaders, policy makers and communities to make sure the voices of mokopuna are heard and acted on. When mokopuna have a say, policy works a lot better for them, their whānau, and their community.

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In your world, what matters most?

Last year we asked you: 'What matters most in your world?' – 'I tōu ao, he aha te mea nui?' Click here to find out what mokopuna told us!

You can still tell us what matters most in your world. Let us know by taking our one-question survey.

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I tōu ao, he aha te mea nui?

I tērā tau i pātaihia koutou ki te whakaoti rūri e tuku ana i te pātai: ‘He aha te mea nui?’, ā, rahi tonu koutou i tuari mai i ō whakaaro. Rapua he aha ngā kōrero a ngā mokopuna!

Ka taea tonu e koe te tiri i nga mea nui ki a koe. Pāwhiri a konei ki te korero mai.

Mokopuna voices in the future of education

The New Zealand Curriculum is being refreshed to better reflect the aspirations and expectations of Aotearoa New Zealand. Te Mātaiaho | the refreshed curriculum will support every ākonga to experience success in their learning. The refresh is taking place until 2025.

We have joined the Ministry of Education to ensure the voices of mokopuna are honoured in the process. This partnership is a shared commitment to mokopuna being central to and visible in the future of education.

Established in early 2023, our Youth Voices Group (YVG) brings together 30 young people aged 15-17 from diverse communities from across Aotearoa.

By sharing their unique perspectives and experiences as well as their aspirations for Te Mātaiaho through regular discussions, the YVG is helping to shape how the voices of children and young people are heard in the refresh process.

Find out more
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Mai World

Mai World: Child and Youth Voices aims to listen to, engage with, and reflect the voices of mokopuna and share them with decision makers. Our team works with mokopuna from all around Aotearoa to understand what they think about a range of topics. We then share their thoughts so they can guide government and community decision making, as well as the work we do.

We also support organisations and groups wanting to engage with mokopuna with a range of resources to help them identify what to think about before starting an engagement and what methods might suit the particular engagement. We also have examples of engagements our team have done with mokopuna and their communities.

What mokopuna have told us

Below you can find what mokopuna have told us about education and wellbeing (click on the down arrow to toggle between the two topics):

Reports 14 March 2018

Education matters to me: Progress and achievement

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Reports 14 March 2018

Education matters to me: If I were the boss

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Reports 14 March 2018

Education matters to me: Engagement

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Reports 14 March 2018

Education matters to me: Experiences of tamariki and rangatahi Māori

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Reports 31 January 2018

Education matters to me: Key Insights

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